I have been to a LOT of trainings lately. One of the most exciting this year was a training with Shawn Brown. I was introduced to his music several years ago and have been sharing his music with my students ever since. They love the upbeat tempos and rhythms. Anyone that sounds that fun on a CD just HAS to be fun in a training, right? Oh, yeah!
If you are not familiar with Shawn Brown, you can visit his Super Fun Show website or can get a little sample here:
I had the pleasure of speaking with Shawn Brown for a few minutes, and he is a very nice guy! I browsed the booths (there were only a few) and met a few old friends from other childcare centers.
I do find it interesting that these conferences are a PRIME spot for a children's book vendor, yet at the last several I've been to, children's book vendors are conspicuously absent!
The conference started with a local step/marching band that marched in to greet us and get us pumped up.
We went to a couple of classes, then reassembled for lunch and the afternoon session with Shawn Brown. I love a conference session where you are up and moving --- not sitting in the same spot every minute fighting the "nods"! There was no sitting out of these sessions.
The Grand Finale was doing the Super Fun Show with Shawn Brown!
Of course, I bought a couple of the CD's to take with me and he was kind enough to autograph them for me!
We were given a CD of his chants as part of the conference, too!