
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Green Eggs and Ham

We capped off our Dr. Seuss week with pajama day and "Green Eggs and Ham". Most of our friends tried it and liked it!

We drew our favorite Dr. Seuss characters. The friends did a wonderful job---I'll definitely have to share some of these later. I discovered that many of the Seuss book characters didn't have names. In "The Cat In The Hat", for instance, the narrator's sister is Sally, but we never find out what the little boy's name is. This was a little frustrating to the friends. I suggested they give them names of their own. "No, Mrs. Ayn, they need their REAL names!" Okay, I can't argue with Pre-K logic sometimes!

Wednesday, we had "Wacky Wednesday" and wore wacky hats and crazy socks! One friend was so proud of the Target grocery bag he fashioned into a pirate hat that he wouldn't take it off! His little head kept sweating and the bag was stuck to his head. Too funny!! I finally convinced him the the Pre-K safety police would not want him to sleep with the bag hat on because it posed a danger near his face. He reluctantly agreed to take it off for nap, but put it right back on as soon as he woke up!

We practiced balancing a variety of items on our heads, like the Cat and in "Ten Apples Up On Top". We had an impromptu parade around the school balancing books on our head. This was so funny---the kids were so quietly concentrating on balancingfor the most part, but every few feet, I'd hear the "BANG" of a book dropping and a scramble to get it balanced again! Big Fun!

All the friends were invited to bring and share their Dr. Seuss books from home. We had many versions of several books and had to read a few of them more than once. "Mrs. Ayn, we read "The Cat in The Hat", but it was someone else's. Can we read mine to the class now?" And so we would!

One of our new favorite songs was the Leaning Station's "Green Eggs and Ham" from the "Literacy In Motion" cd. We started by singing the song, but by the end of the week, we'd made a game with passing coffee can drums and drumming to the beat.

Green Eggs and Ham
Green Eggs and Ham
I like mine fried nice and brown
I like mine served upside down
Green Eggs and Ham
Green Eggs and Ham
Flip 'em, Flop 'em----
Don't drop 'em!

One of my friends brought a Dr. Seuss game: "Dr. Seuss' Super Stretchy ABC" that the friends played at center time. It sort of has a "Twister" thing going, so it keeps the kids really active while playing.

There are two games I would like to get for my classroom. "The Cat In The Hat: I Can Do That" is a lot of fun. I bought this for my nephew for Christmas and I'm told he loves it! I just found the "One Fish Two Fish" game and it looks fun as well!

This is such a fun unit to teach. even though I write a formal lesson plan, a lot of the time children suggest games or activities they'd like to try, so we go with it. I never know on Monday what they will come up with by the end of the week ---but Dr. Seuss week is ALWAYS fun!

I like Seuss week here or there.

I would teach it anywhere!


  1. I've never done anything special around Seuss, but you really have me inspired. I guess I don't necessarily have to attach it to his birthday . . .

  2. That looks like you all had a ton of fun!


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