
Friday, March 19, 2010

Pizza! Pizza!

With St. Patrick's Day activities and the groundbreaking of Wee World, I never had the opportunity to share our field trip to Mellow Mushroom Pizza this week. One of our parents very generously hosted our pre-k class field trip at their pizza restaurant this week. The kids got to tour the dining room and kitchen, toss dough, and watch pizza being made. We then practiced "dining out" by being served our pizza in the dining room. What a wonderful way to practice table manners, restaurant etiquette and social skills!

Really cool artwork everywhere!

I didn't get a clear shot so I borrowed this shot from their Facebook page. 
Really cool sculptures and carvings!

We got into character as soon as we arrived!

We love our chef hats!
We toured the kitchen.
Is this really how pizza starts?

 Watched the dough getting formed. AMAZING!!!!

You must be a superhero to do this!

Then, we got some dough of our own.

 Ooey gooey

 Look what I can do!

Working that hard really builds up an appetite!
We sat down to a wonderful lunch!
We have a pizza theme box in dramatic play that will certainly become popular again. Mellow Mushroom gave us a few clean boxes to add to our center!

Thank you Mellow Mushroom for the wonderful opportunity to visit a real pizza restaurant!


  1. Love the photos, I will show it to all of my students :) by the way, eating pizza while listening the CD from Matt. What a great day you have today :D

  2. This looks like an awesome field trip! I love how interactive it turned out to be!

  3. I love the pizza parlor field trip! On our trip, they actually gave each kid a ball of dough and then allowed them to apply their own toppings! We had the experience of learning what happens when you do things like heap on too much cheese or not enough sauce. They were so proud of their little pizzas!

    Thanks for sharing this. It looks like so much fun!


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