I love that this teacher borrowed a faux ficus tree from the lobby, and added a few stuffed tropical birds. How easy, and so fun!
Looks like the kids are really enjoying this!
The teachers in this toddler class covered some shelves to make animal dens/caves and painted a waterfall.
The teachers added pictures of animals found in various locations.
I love this giant bird house for rainforest dwelling birds!
My Can of Worms Measuring Activity would go nicely with this theme, just pretend the worms are snakes!
There are lots of ways to incorporate the rainforest into your sensory table area. Here's what we did when we learned about frogs and life cycles. Be sure to check out the frog puppet, too!
These are some of my favorite links for great rainforest activities:
*Pre-Kinders has some great activities for the Rainforest Theme.
*Stepbystepcc.com has a good assortment of activities on their Rainforest theme pages.
*Perpetual Preschool also has a ton of ideas for the Rainforest theme.
No theme would be complete without a few good reads. There are some wonderful books about the rainforest. Here a just a few of my favorites:

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