Our class had a wonderful treat today. One of the parents of my students offered to come in and tell the children about the Muslim holidays, Ramadan and El Ud Fitr. Ramadan is a holy month of fasting and El Ud Fitr is literally, "festivity" of "breaking the fast". Mrs. S. brought the beautiful poster above and explained the significance of each item.
She used a wonderful analogy for fasting using 3 different sized chocolate bars to explain fasting. She said the first time you see a little piece of chocolate and are fasting, you miss it, but it's just a little piece of chocolate and held up a small bar. A few days later, when you see that same piece of chocolate and know you can't have it, it seems bigger and you miss it more, and held up a regular sized candy bar. By the end of the fast, you really want the chocolate. Although the bar really hasn't grown in size, it SEEMS bigger to you. She then held up the giant candy bar. Mrs. S. also talked about how they make sure that those who have plenty, take this time, especially, to share with those less fortunate.
Mrs. S. also brought a beautiful children's books called, "Ramadan and El Ul Fitr" by Azra Jessa, written when she was 12 years old to help her classmates understand the holiday. Azra used the computer program "Paint" to illustrate the story.

After the "lesson", the kids were treated to cupcakes and goodie bags! The best treat of all? Mrs. S. very generously left us the book to include in our class library! The kids really enjoyed learning about their classmates' culture today and so did I! I knew very little about this holiday, so I am thankful that I had the opportunity to learn today, too.
We even learned the traditional holiday greeting during El Ud Fitr is "Eid Mubarak" or "have a blessed festival"!
Eid Mubarak!

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