Fire Safety is one of those units that I feel like we need to teach, but I think sometimes, because it's a "have to" unit, I feel like it gets a little stale. I tried to "heat things up" this year to put a little more excitement into my fire safety unit.
Teach Preschool posted recently about making construction paper fire trucks in "We Made Shapely Fire Trucks in Preschool". I remember years ago making a little paper fire truck craft, but I hadn't thought about it in a few years. Deborah's post made me want to try this cute activity again. We gave the kids some very basic shapes and let them see what they could come with. I think they did a wonderful job!
We practiced how to dial "9-1-1" in an emergency, "Stop, Drop, Cover and Roll" if our clothes are on fire and to "Get Low and Go" if there is smoke in the house. We have monthly fire drills, so we discussed the importance of doing a good job on the drills so that we will be fully prepared if ever there were a real emergency. We also talked about smoke detectors and creating a home evacuation plan with our families.
Even the teachers got into the act and had a little retraining on the use of fire extinguishers.
Yep! That's Me!
We explored with red, orange and yellow paint in art center. We tried blow painting, but I think the paint was a little thick. Smear art painting was a lot of fun and produced some beautiful masterpieces.
We got out a few of our favorite fire safety themed toys and puzzles.
The kids love dressing up as community helpers. And our little fire station proved to be pretty popular, too! Many, many traditional (and non-traditional ;) firehouse meals were prepared and served at our fire station.
One of our favorite fire books is now on YouTube with the accompanying song. We listened to this many times on cd, but I also heard the kids singing as they worked in centers, "Fire truck! Fire truck! I want to ride on a fire truck!"
Hands down, I think the favorite was making our fire truck cookies as our culminating activity. They were just as fun to make as they were yummy to eat!
Apparently, due to the Sept. 11 anniversary, our fire station is busier than usual with school tours, so we were unable to visit during Fire Safety Week. A few weeks late, but we are finally scheduled to go next week, so we're pretty excited! I'm sure there will be an upcoming post about that adventure! :)

I love all the great ideas you have here!
ReplyDeleteLas Vegas Fire Extinguishers
Thanks for this post. I am very glad to see this post. Actually i have been searching this kind of post. It contains many information for me.
ReplyDeleteLas Vegas Fire Protection
Practicing good fire safety can help protect your home and family from a potentially devastating house fire. It can also aid in preventing the members of your household (especially small children) from sustaining a fire-related injury.
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