Most of the teachers at our school know that if they are looking for a song or cd that they can't find, chances are that I will have it. We use music in our classroom activities all day long. I thought I would share with you some of our favorites, so this is by no means a comprehensive list. We enjoy all kinds of music and play quite a variety, from country, to classical, to cultural (like Irish), to rock, to children's favorites.
Hap Palmer's "Getting To Know Myself" features timeless preschool favorites like "Sammy" and is a must have for every classroom! You can find it here!
Newbridge Songs For Learning--
"Holiday Songs" cd is filled with original holiday songs. A teacher's guide gives suggestions and ideas for activities and actions to accompany the songs. You can find it here.
"Following Directions" cd is filled with action songs that help teach skills needed to follow directions. You can find it here.
"Simple Songs For Preschool" has become one of our favorites! The songs are easy to learn and easy to sing and are topical to children's interests! You can find the cd here on Deborah Stewart's website, Teach Preschool, and listen to a few previews!
Shawn Brown has fabulous rhythms and his music really gets the kids moving! (I've written about him here before: "Super Fun With Shawn Brown". Our two favorites are "Super Fun Show"
You can find them both here at the Super Fun online store.
I'm a fan of Jack Hartmann's music and I follow many of the principles of Conscious Discipline, so what could be better than a cd combining the two? This cd is filled with connection making music! Check out "It Starts In The Heart" on the Conscious Discipline website store.
Mr. Al has a ton of great cds and we listen to several. Our absolute favorite of all of Mr. Al's is "Mr. Al: A La Carte"! You can find his website and online store here.
Greg & Steve are very popular and they have tons of cds, as well. You can check out all their great cds in their online store here.
Our two favorites are "Kids In Motion", filled with movement songs and "We All Live Together, Vol. 2" which has great songs for circle time.
I have loved my "Tony Chestnut" cd by The Learning Station for a long time. We just can't get enough of the great songs on it. We also love "Literacy In Motion" and use it to help make connections to some of the great children's books we read. The Learning Station has tons of great cds, and I'm working on checking them all out. I recently won 2 cds that I didn't have already, so I'm sure they will become fast favorites! I have also discovered that The Learning Station has a FABULOUS youtube channel where you can watch The Learning Station crew performing the great songs and motions! Definitely something to put in your "favorites"!!!
Here's a little "sneak peek" at my class jamming to "Baby Shark" on The Learning Station's youtube channel!
We also use music at naptime. We try to play a variety of soft music, often classical or soothing tunes. We do have two favorite "contemporary" cds that we listen to at nap.
"Bedtime With the Beatles" (blue cover) is an instrumental cd of Beatles hits. You can find it on Amazon here, or at your local record store.
I'm very excited that I'll have the opportunity to see some of these great names live and in person at the 2012 NAEYC conference next month!!! Look at this snippet of the Conference agenda to see why I'm so excited!
I hope that you have found something here that you will enjoy using in your early childhood setting! Leave a comment about the music your kids enjoy--I'm always on the lookout for new tunes!

My son walks around singing Tony Chestnut. Such a classic, such fun. Nice ideas, thanks!