School Glue Snowmen
These started out as those adorable "melted snowmen" I've seen all over Pinterest. It turns out that our floor is not quite level and the first few of our "melted snowmen" just didn't work out. The glue spread far and wide and the decorations all spread to the outer edges. We thought we'd place a plastic lid under the plastic wrap to help them retain some of their shape. Well, as they spread, they took on the shape of the lid. Not quite what we'd set out to make, but they did turn out pretty cute!
Cute As A Button
This it cute and simple! Arrange craft sticks in a triangle and glue on some colorful buttons!
Holly Wreath Frame
Paper holly leaves glued on a painted paper plate circle make a cute frame for a holiday photo. This is also cute with puzzle pieces painted green as the holly leaves.
Reindeer Kids
Use a photo of your child has the reindeer face and add handprint antlers! Don't forget the red nose!
Collage Christmas Trees
These are cute with whatever loose parts you have lying around. I've done them with confetti glitter, too.
Handprint Wreaths
Green construction paper handprints make the greenery and red handprints make the bow on this wreath.
And in case you missed it or need a few more ideas, there are several more in my December PreK+K Sharing post, 10 Easy Gifts Kids Can Make For Christmas.
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