As you might guess, there are a few drawbacks to sharing my classroom with another group when Pre-K in not in session. There are also some major benefits. The elementary school age kids share my room in the mornings before school and later in the afternoons. I taught a majority of these kids when they were in Pre-K, so it has been a bonus to me to watch these kids grow and mature each year.
This morning, the kids were busily working with playdough at the table. I watched for a minute, thinking about how much their play with playdough had changed over the years. As I listened, there was a lot of talk of winning and getting judged, so I asked what they were doing exactly. "We're playing Sweet Genius", one of them said. Apparently, "Sweet Genius" is one of those competition cooking shows on The Food Network ( I don't watch cable. I know, I live under a rock.). They were making a variety of pies, cakes and cookies and some of the other kids were going to judge them just like on the show. We talked for a minute, then I let them get back to their game. As I started to leave them to their game, they asked me to take pictures of their creations. They know that if they do something cool or interesting, no matter how busy I am, I'll want to see it and take pictures. I'll make the time. They know me well.
Here are some of the sweet treats I found them making this morning:
Candies with Fruit
A Fancy Cake
Layer Cake
Fancy Pastry
Adding Sprinkles to a Cupcake
Fancy Cupcake for the New Year
Just because a moustache is fun!
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