Our Pre-K class has been learning about the weather. We've learned quite a bit through fun activities and experiments.
Counting Raindrops on Cloud Mats
I made these little cloud mats from blue paper. Originally, I made them as a small group game where the children either roll a die or draw a numbered card and count out the number of glass raindrop beads onto the cloud. The children have also delighted in just playing with the mats and beads, making up their own games or designs as they play.
TV Weather Station
I transformed a little area of our Science Center into a tv weather station. One evening I gave the children "homework" and asked them to watch the weather portion of the news. They really enjoyed pretending to be a meteorologist.
Weather Wheels
We made our own little "weather wheels" by drawing on a paper plate divided into sections. We talked about what type of weather we usually have in our area to decide which conditions (rain, sun, clouds, snow, wind, etc.) to include. As we did this with several small groups, different groups included different weather on their wheels.
Weather Magazines
Disclaimer: The publishers over at Scholastic's "My Big World" preschool classroom magazines sent us a class supply of the magazines to try out. (While I did receive the issues for free for classroom use, I am not being paid to promote or endorse Scholastic or their magazines. The opinions expressed below are strictly my own based on our class experiences with the magazines.)
We used Scholastic's "My Big World" preschool classroom magazine as a small group activity, reading together and doing the activity on the back. Thank you, "My Big World" magazine, and especially Janice, for sharing these with us! We really enjoyed them and we learned a lot!
I was really tickled to see some of the children getting their magazines out later on and having a little "small group" of their own! The magazines are very easy for children to follow and "read along", even if they can't independently read the actual text yet!
If you'd like more info on ordering "My Big World" magazines for your class, please visit the Scholastic website or click here.
As it often happens, our learning focus often creeps into whatever the students are creating in art center.
Flying Kites
Kite making has been a very popular activity in our art center and flying the homemade kites has been the highlight of our outdoor time!
Singing About Weather
We LOVE The Learning Station's music in our class. They have a wonderful version of "Singing In The Rain" that really gets us moving. If you are not familiar with it, you should check it out! They also have a wonderful youtube station filled with great children's music videos.
Weather Experiments
We've conducted some pretty cool weather experiments in our class. You can read more about the experiments and kite making/flying, plus get a FREE printable weather recording chart on PreK+K Sharing: Exploring Weather With Science Experiments in Preschool.
Books About Weather
These are some of the books we've been reading about weather!Thanks for visiting! Be sure to leave a little "comment love"---I'd love for you to share your thoughts!
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