It's time again to come up with ornaments for our kids to make to hang on our school tree. I try to change it up every couple of years and have been searching for something easy and economical for the kids to make. I also wanted something a little different than the same old ornaments that you see every preschool class make. I saw these some time ago on Pinterest and knew we had to try them!
First, we painted the lightbulbs white. As we didn't have any glitter, this served as more of a primer than a real need to paint over the white bulbs.
We painted the tops, or hats, blue and dipped in cups of glitter.
We added eyes, nose, mouths and buttons with puff paint.
I had some fleece scraps that the kids could choose to use if they wanted to make a scarf.
After tying some yarn around the top, we took them up to the lobby and hung them on the tree.
It was a perfect time to pose with our class in front of the tree!
We will be reading lots of great snowman books during our winter theme, but "Snowmen at Christmas" is a favorite and goes perfect with this activity!
Happy holidays!!!!

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