This week, our little blogger community has been all a-buzz with the Edublog Award Nominations. It's really great that we have the opportunity to recognize those that inspire early childhood educators to bring the very best ideas, activities, and pedagogy into the classroom each day. It was inevitable that with only a select number of categories that I would not be able to nominate some of the bloggers I felt really deserved recognition. My nominees are: Click here for the full nomination post.
I was wonderfully surprised to be nominated for 2 categories in the 2011 Edublog Awards, or the "2011 Eddies" this year. I consider myself a fairly novice blogger and never really saw this coming! I am humbled and honored beyond measure especially since the nominations come from blogging educators that I highly respect and admire!
Karen, over at PreKinders, nominated me for the "Best Individual Blog" category. Thank you, Karen!
Laura, over at The Seeds Network, nominated me for the "Best Teacher Blog". Thank you, Laura!
The Rules:
1. Thank the person who gave the award and write a blog post.
Thank you, Vanessa! I am honored and humbled to have you share this with me. I've been a fan forever (far longer than I've been in the blogging community)!
2. Answer the following questions:
Favorite Color: lime green, hot pink and cobalt blue
Favorite drink: Southern Sweet Ice Tea
Facebook or Twitter?: Facebook!
Favorite flower: Sunflower
Favorite number: 8!
Favorite day: Saturday!
3. Pass the award on to 10-12 fabulous bloggers, link to their blogs, and let them know they've been nominated.
I am listing a few more than the number suggested, because each of these are blogs I really felt worthy of recognition for all they share. If you haven't visited any of these, I HIGHLY Recommend heading on over and hitting your "Follow" button! These are the blogs that bring sunshine into MY life:
Child Central Station How Long Is This Hall?

Casa Maria Learning For Life

Flights of Whimsy Learning Is Child's Play

Child Art Retrospective Males in Early Childhood

Preschool Daze Getting Messy With Ms. Jessi
I'm a teacher, get me OUTSIDE here!

Centers 'n Circles
Quirky Mama
Thank you for bringing sunshine my way!