Yes, I know Halloween was so last week, but we've been so busy that I've not had time to post the fun we've had. In the interest of full disclosure, I should say that Halloween is not my favorite holiday or time of the year, but I do try to make it enjoyable for the kids.
Our dairy farm/pumpkin patch field trip earlier in the month was postponed due to weather and was rescheduled for Oct. 31. Our Halloween Happenings all took place the week before the actual holiday, so we would be free for two major field trips. I thought I would share some of the "Best of" Halloween at our school. Maybe it will help me be more in the spirit next year when I come back to see what we did.
Our class dressed up in costumes for the morning.
We watched as the younger kids paraded through our room to show off their costumes.
My co-worker's husband designed this awesome robot costume for their son, using common household items. Definitely the best handmade costume I saw this year.....
Here's some of the best treats I saw....
Our favorite party game...."Wrap the Mummy!".
We divided the class into teams, with each team wrapping one member, but it was so much fun, eventually the rest decided to wrap themselves, too!
Since our field trip to pick pumpkins to fill our pumpkin patch in dramatic play had been postponed, we made our own pumpkins to fill our pumpkin patch out of brown paper lunch sacks and paint.
And my favorite bulletin board was done by some of our infants. We've had a major baby boom with our staff recently, so this was an especially special "Bumkin Patch"!
I'll post soon about our wonderful trips to the dairy farm/ pumpkin patch and to the fire station!

Oh my goodness! I love the Tattle-taled to DEATH skeleton and the blog title! Too funny! I pinned the picture and had to share it on my blog, too. Nothing like a good giggle to end the evening. :)
Lil' Country Kindergarten