It's nomination time for the annual Edublog Awards! There are so many wonderful education blogs I follow, that it was really tough to narrow some of the categories down to just one name. In several categories, I would have liked to acknowledge more than one blog or blogger. I am blessed to have found wonderful online communities that promote sharing ideas and fellowship with other early childhood bloggers around the world. Thank you to all who share in the early childhood blogging community--because of you I am more reflective and continually inspired!
Words (or mere nominations) cannot express my gratitude for all that these bloggers share. My nominations for 2011 are:
Best Individual Blog and Best Individual Tweeter: Deborah Stewart at Teach Preschool. I could nominate Deborah for almost every category in these awards. Her sharing and support to everyone in the online preschool community is, in a word, phenomenal!
Best Group Blog: Irresistible Ideas For Play Based Learning. Sherry and Donna over at Irresistible Ideas share ideas from play based preschools from all over Australia. Their ideas are always innovative, inviting and irresistible!
Best New Blog: Kreative Resources. Leeanne has only been blogging for a couple of months, but has managed to already share a wealth of information and ideas.
Best Ed Tech/ Resource Sharing Blog: Teaching Heart. Teaching Heart shares a variety of ideas and lovely printables for games, activities and teacher resources.
Most Influential Blog Post: Brick by Brick: Teachers and Kids at the Art Table. Scott has an amazing way of reminding me to slow down, listen and learn from my kids. This post in particular, is one of several he has written that prompted me to be a more reflective practitioner.
Best Teacher Blog: PreKinders. PreKinders shares ideas, printables and games. Definitely one of my "go to sites" when I need ideas for a particular theme or unit of study.
Best Free Webtool: The SEEDS Network Idea Search. The SEEDS Network has a wonderful search tool that helps you find ideas. Ideas and activities are presented in a printable format that also denotes the age ranges, supply list and activity description.
Lifetime Achievement: Vanessa Levin of PreK Pages. Without a doubt. Long before I was a blogger (or ever dreamed I'd be one), I was a surfer. I surfed the web for ideas to implement in my teaching. PreK Pages was one of my "go to" sites for all things preschool. Back in my "surfing" days, I would have never thought I'd have the opportunity to "meet" such an esteemed colleague, but through the online preschool community, I've found Vanessa to be even more of a resource that I could have ever imagined. Vanessa shares in various online communities and is supportive of other bloggers and educators. She is tirelessly and enthusiastically presents Best Practices to the preschool community.
I'd like to personally thank the bloggers listed above for his or her contribution to the online preschool community. Each of these bloggers are fabulous and I encourage to to vote for them when the nominations are tallied and the voting begins.
I'd also like to thank all the wonderful bloggers who are not listed. I just couldn't list you all. Whether you realize it or not, I value your input and expertise. I feel I'm a far better teacher having met and shared with you all.

Congratulations! Great choices and keeps the pre-school flag flying high!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you so much for the nomination and for your kind words, I'm honored! I hope we can meet in person someday :)
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh ... I was floored to see our site listed here, Ayn - thank you!!! I whole heartedly agree with all your other nominations as bloggers that I follow and who influence me greatly! Only blog that was new to me was "Teaching Heart" .. so I'm headed over there to check that out now!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you do and share on your blog, Ayn - there's great stuff here!
Ayn, I am touched beyond measure for your nomination. And two different categories is amazing. You are such a value to the blogging community and it is folks like you that keep me inspired everyday!! Thank you, thank you!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great bunch of bloggers indeed :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ayn. I appreciate your kind words...and I appreciate your blog. I'm glad we've connected through the blogosphere.
ReplyDeleteAyn thank you so much for considering us worthy amongst such brilliant nominations ... Sherry and I feel truly humbled by you kindness!
ReplyDeleteDonna :) :)
All fantastic choices!! Thank you for being such an influential part of Early Childcare:)
ReplyDeleteSorry guys, I posted a follow up comment and it never showed up! Retry:
ReplyDelete~Juliet, I will!!! Gotta share that preschool love!
~Vanessa, you are so welcome! And I'd love to meet up someday!
~Laura, no surprise, you've got great things going on!
~Deborah, thanks for helping us all so much. Wish I could aptly express my unending appreciation!
~Jenny, I know, right? They're awesome!
~Scott, I love the way you make me think!
~Donna, I am constantly amazed by you and all you do! I'm coming down under someday to see it all for myself!
~Centers, thank you! So glad to have you back in the mix! :)