For the last couple of years, my American friends on Facebook have been posting a reason to be thankful each day in November leading up to Thanksgiving. I've decided to play along this year. As I was thinking about the things that I'm thankful for, I thought of so many things that occur in my school day and in my blogging world that I am grateful for. I thought I would share some of those things here, on little illuminations. As it is November 3 today, I'll share Days 1, 2 and 3 in this post. Chances are I'll probably combine some of the days, but hopefully I'll manage to post a new reason each day.
Day 1, November 1, 2012:
I am thankful to have discovered blogging. It has helped me to connect with so many wonderful educators. I have really grown as a teacher in the last few years because of it!
Day 2, November 2, 2012:
I am thankful for my wonderful co-teacher/assistant, Mrs. Jenkins. We really work well as a team together. We are very different in our personal lives, but when we come together in the classroom, our minds, actions and words are right on the same page!
Day 3, November 3, 2012:
I am thankful for my classroom space. I have an amazingly large classroom space that affords me the ability to do just about whatever I want without cramping our learning quarters. When I first visited my school while working at one of our sister schools, I remember thinking that to work in such a fantastic space would be like a teacher's dream come true! I can attest now, that it is!!!
What are you thankful for in your school or blogging life?
I'd love to start a trend! If you'd like to join in the fun and share your "Days of Thankfulness", be sure to leave a link here so others can be inspired!

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