As part of our Kindergarten transition plan, I send each student from last year's
class a postcard with an encouraging note wishing them well as they embark on their new Kindergarten adventure. Many of the students in my class are participating in our Summer Camp program, so I see them when I am in the building. Yesterday, several of the friends rushed up to hug me and thank me for the postcard they got in the mail. It's easy to forget how much a simple little piece of mail addressed directly to them can impact a child. They were so excited!
Then one little friend (one of my more dramatic friends) approached me with a frown and the saddest puppy dog eyes I'd seen since the last time I'd seen her disappointed.
"Mrs. Ayn, I didn't get a postcard. I don't know why I didn't, since all the other little children in your class got one, but there was nothing in MY mailbox for me!"
I told her that I had indeed mailed her a card, so she should continue to check her mail for a few days, because she should be getting something soon.
Today, she came running up to me and gave me a big hug, "It came! It came! I finally got the postcard and guess what, Mrs Ayn? It was from you!"
I was so glad she got it. I know that this particular student will probably save it (for many, many moons) and carry it around with her for a while. Since she can read, I suspect she'll read it over and over to herself and to anyone who will listen. For now, it will be one of her greatest treasures.
For me, this was a great reminder that it's the little things I do that will make an impact on my class this year. I need to take the time to take that extra step for my kids, whenever I can.
How sweet. :) I send out postcards to all my new students, but rarely do I get that type of reaction. :)