Thursday, January 27, 2011

Marvelous Macaroni Penguins

Our Polar Pal unit is underway and we are having BIG fun! We've learned about all different kinds of penguins. Every year, we usually make the shoe print penguins I posted last year. Recently, I saw these cute Macaroni penguins made from triangles and thought I'd try something different. I tried to go back and find the post, but after hours of searching, I was lost. I finally started experimenting, and came up with this example for the children  to use.

We traced large triangles and cut them out.

We glued the smaller white triangle on top of the larger black triangle. Yellow construction paper was cut to make feet and the little feather spikes on the top of the penguin's head.

I think they came out pretty cute, and it was something a little different than what we've done previously. I thought the parents might enjoy these since I have several students that are siblings of last year's students, so it will be something new for them to see. Because this was a teacher directed activity, we won't put these into student portfolios, but I got some great anecdotal notes on tracing, cutting and the students' narratives about their penguins.


  1. Cute, Ayn! I especially love the last one with the "long" hair! :)

  2. I just adore penguins and learning about them. This week I posted 101+ activities and crafts to do with a penguin theme and included a link back to this post. It was sooo cute. I hope our readers stop by and visit your site! Thank you for inspiring others to craft, learn, and connect with their children.


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